Monday, April 14, 2014

It comes from..

Well, skrg gw boleh bernafas sedikit lega
karena hati yang mulai menjernih ini, sudah bisa mengantarkan pikiran-pikiran yang berbaris rapi menunggu dikeluarkan oleh empunya

Playlist : Utopia - Homogenic (repeat song)

Precondition :
Gw dengan absurdnya menulis sesuatu di draft yang tidak bisa diterjemahkan oleh ahli manapun didunia ini.
Masih dengan kechaosan,, bawaan orok, gw tidak bisa mengeluarkan apapun yang sangat-sangat ingin gue keluarkan dalam bentuk tulisan (analoginya seperti lo ingin buang air besar, tapi ngga bisa. It's hurting you so much)
Berujung, I just cant help myself but damn-ing!
DAMN! *my self

And I decide to rehat by listening Homogenic.
One of my fave. Close my eyes dan feel the songs.
(Here the truth, maybe I'm too much but hey, its me, lying on my bed)

Postcondition :
My heart is tottally beating so fast. Perhaps, I choose a bad song.
The fact is, I really want s/one takes me into my another world, a dream one.
Not really you, Sir. But
Talking w/ you about passion, hobby or s/thing that we want to over and over
It makes me wanting s/t that I want so much,
S/thing that I shouldnt think,
It's perfectly go wrong.

Ini lebih kepada gue yang mungkin (ingin) tinggal lama di padang maya, dimana hanya ada sesosok cewek mungil ini, dan hobinya, dan passionnya, dan alam sebagai variabel pentingnya,  
Tak perlu ada kemewahan, yang ada keceriaan
yang ada warna hijau, jingga, toska, violet, gading, merah, kuning, dan semua warna kecuali hitam dan putih, yang pasti. Yang tidak ada ketidakjelasan di dalamnya.

And knowing that I want you to take me there, it's totally terrible.
How come!!!

Then, I see my mom's faces. I'.m back, on earth, on my reality.
I can go nowhere but blogging in my room.

And I start to feel bad. I got a stomachache. Seriously

There's a lyric :
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning end.

I wont, and I never end this chapter over you.
Because, the faster I end it, the new chapter come faster to us.
It's not good. At all. *crispy laugh*
If it possible, I wanna ask you to go nowhere for a while
The place where I cant find you,
Then I dont need to ask you a favour.
That favour.

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