Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I've chosen!

Because it should better be..
I've chosen
I choose him.
Because many thing that I can't explain
Nonsense I think
But it's real
he's real.

I choose him..
Yes! I said I choose him
I don't wanna to pretend anymore
never thought not having him now,
would be hurting me so bad..
I'm officially missing him..!
When I have to be a lier..
to run away the reality that I STILL LIKE YOU!
When I feel so comfort with you
When we talk together about our engineering material lesson
When we walk together from canteen
When you call my funny name
Even when you show me your chubby-smile
Do you know that our moment we've been through
it means I fall in a huge hole again and again..
And I know,
only he,the one who can help me
with his loving hand

you,my friend,
we're friend
just friend

he,he's my whole wishing :)

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