Sunday, April 8, 2012

Destiny, here I am

Here I am, destiny
you've changed my grey sky above my day
then turned into a blue one
clearly, I can see a best day around us
We're falling in, it's a gift
Never be denial any longer,

Here I am, Destiny
when Allah sends you to my cloudy
many thing we shared, everything
make me so blue
all so brand new

Beautifully loving, what should we be scared about?
Beautifully caring, why should we doubt then again?

It's untrue in the beginning
but it's so right in the end, for sure
its about time and proof, as we shared

You, who calling me 'dearest'
Thanks for loving me in that way
Thanks for being here,
Thanks for always there, just for me

Something I can’t hide from you, my taurus
I do love you too

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