Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life is really simple,but

Life is really simple,but wd insist on making it complicated
as simple as you put a bunch of rose in your auntie's garden
you prefer to hurt your finger by touching that thorn..
Is that hurt enough ha?
To fulfill your needed 'bout something..
Something childish
something that we called..
Mmm I called nothing.

Almost 2 months i've been here
mggu pertama balik ngampus,
ngerasa aneh,asing..
Hhhohh..for several time,
i wanna scream 'pick me,pick me please!
Go anywhere..'

In fact, i go nowhere

i'm on a little bit depress that time
it's like so hard for passing through everything tapi,sebenernya
cuma aku yg ngerasa gt,
cuma aku yg ngerasa asing padahal lingkunganku menerimaku dg hangat
aku g cukup menerima,
menerima mereka yg lama tp baru kembali lg dalam hari-hariku

as long as I'm simplying my world, my life
it'll be much better
everything :)

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